SLS Strategic Event Planning and Consulting

What We Do

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Event Planning

Rates vary depending on service

SLS is all about Events and what’s involved in making them a success. For those ready to dive in the deep end and get started right away, we offer several Event Planning packages. There are currently five main packages to choose from and services can be added or subtracted and customized to fit specific needs.


OUR Comprehensive Seminar Consulting And Event Planning PackageS ARE COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZABLE!


Strategy and Consulting

By-the-hour and packages available

Sometimes the right place to begin is a mystery. Sometimes we lose direction or momentum. Other times what’s needed is a fresh start or a different path all together. From Strategic Planning and Playbooks designed to bring confidence and insight to the earliest stages of the planning process, consulting on next steps that remain unclear, to post-event debriefing, SLS brings the experience and wisdom and is always available for when help is needed.

Classes, Courses and Media

Lots to choose from

In between events and certainly before your very first event, SLS can fill your down time with Master Classes, Training Courses, informative videos from the SLS YouTube channel, and stand-alone products. All of these are designed to help strengthen weak spots in an already functioning strategy and add the missing ingredients to your recipe for success.

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